Improvised and thundering noise.
Originally release by Mystic Timbre on cassette and digital.
Released April 20, 2020.
On the heels of deconstructed techno workout MUTINY comes SELVEDGE’s second Mystic Timbre offering; HUNGER STONES is the result of a series of live improvisations captured in the fall of 2019, performed and edited into twelve mammoth slabs of raging, claustrophobic darkness by Lawrence, Kansas’ Chance Dibben. Crackling electronics heave and sigh; thunderous percussion bangs out war marches in broken time; filters hollow out caverns from cracked rock; structures fall apart just as they are formed. These are the scars of violent struggle, messages scrawled on once-sunken rock forecasting strife, trial, and hunger — the pains of unhindered progress, shared through generations by those who bear its brunt.
Interview with Nick Spacek, The Pitch (
TREE AND SHADOW played on Toneshift | 32 (
RAINBOW played on Anticipating Nowhere | March 2020 (
RENDERED played on Anticipating Nowhere | #26 (